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As of February 23, 2012, I have a very sweet, very cute little boy. Baby PGS is my world now.

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

don’t ever wanna have to go and give you up stay up 'til 4 in the morning and the tears are pouring and I wanna make it worth the fight

::sigh:: I absolutely hate him. Because after three conversations with him today where it felt as though I was being yelled at...after the end of the third conversation, I felt like I was the being blamed as the "bad guy" for the fight. And y'know what else...he's able to do that pretty much every time we fight, too. But I decided that after crying for about 10 minutes that it wasn't worth any of my tears. Too bad for the ones that had already been shed.

I don't even think that he wants to listen to what I have to say; I just get the impression that he only cares about what opinions that he's formed and to hell with what's the truth. I don't even think that he cares about anything anymore... just doesn't feel like he does... It just seems like he's already decided this relationship has run its course and he's just being a coward who's hanging on for the ride... ::sigh::

The worst part is that even though I hate him...I don't love him any less either...

sometimes...I wish that I could press fast forward to see if it's all worth it...

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