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As of February 23, 2012, I have a very sweet, very cute little boy. Baby PGS is my world now.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'm beautiful in my way 'cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way

So...I started a list of pregnancy milestones. If interested, click on the milestones link and check it out. There's really nothing too personal on there, so I don't mind it being public.

In other baby news, this past weekend the fiancé and I went to a garage sale on Saturday after his class and we got a nearly new crib and swing/cradle for $60. We do need to get a new mattress for the crib, but that costs a lot less than a crib. I know it's still early to buy anything, but everything is going well. So it's okay to buy a couple things here and there. Especially when they're used and we haven't even spent $65 yet. Also, our neighbor with the newborn has given us a few onesies that his son already outgrew. :)

Yay for making it to Week 15! <3 Only 35 more to go, lol.

And not related at all...
Right-click and view image in a new tab to magnify if needed. :)


  1. You look adorable!!! I love your little baby bump!!! I am just so happy for you!!!!!

  2. Lol, thanks. Greg took new pictures today, but I won't be posting any any time soon. Just the one for the milestones. :)

  3. That sounds lovely! I love the milestones page - It's neat!

  4. I was looking around on what's available to do on that site, and saw it. So I figured why not? Lets people see what's going on without being too annoying and in your face like. :)
