Ugh...I hate our internet connection...and I sound like a broken record. Always repeating that same sentiment. It's only lasting all of five minutes at a time tonight. Oh, joy. least, I passed the quiz in my class this evening (the computer class)...not like last week's's a plus...but I still only 68.8repeating% in the barely a passing grade... ::sigh:: And...I still don't have a passing grade in my stats class not even a D passing grade yet... ::sigh:: At least...I'm passing my Spanish class...albeit with a low B... ::sigh:: This semester sucks. I wish that I could drop all of my is too stressful for me. I wish that I didn't need to be registered for at least 12 credits per semester in order to be covered by my parents' insurances. are some funny things courtesy of Overheard in New York...
I Don't Get It, but I Like It
Teen daughter: Dad, what do you think we might see when we get there?
Straight-faced dad: Naked lady on a white horse.
Red-faced mom, after long pause: No.
Dad: What? When's the last time you saw a white horse?
-- A train
"God" -- You Were Way Off!
Chick #1: Man, I wish Colin would stop saying he loves me.
Chick #2: Why, you don't love him?
Chick #1: I care about him, but I don't love him. I only love one person.
Chick #2: Who? God?
Chick #1: No -- me.
-- Park Plaza Diner, Brooklyn
Our Bad
Girl #1: So, we have a bet -- if I have sex first, then I have to wear a shirt that she's written all over, but if she-- [looks around].
Girl #2: If she what?
Girl #1: ... I'll tell you later. I feel like people are listening, and I don't want to end up on some website.
-- Starbucks, 51st & Broadway
Little Lizzy Borden Was Always a Helpful Sort
Stressed manny watching three kids: Ugh! [Under his breath] I'm gonna kill myself...
Little girl: Here's a knife [cheerily hands him a butter knife].
-- W Hotel Restaurant, 17th & Park
At Least I Have a Rack, Little Miss Mosquito-Bites
Teacher, guiding field trip: Don't you look cute today, April?! I love your dress. I wish I could wear one like it.
Kindergarten girl: Maybe if you lost some weight, you could.
-- L train least, I passed the quiz in my class this evening (the computer class)...not like last week's's a plus...but I still only 68.8repeating% in the barely a passing grade... ::sigh:: And...I still don't have a passing grade in my stats class not even a D passing grade yet... ::sigh:: At least...I'm passing my Spanish class...albeit with a low B... ::sigh:: This semester sucks. I wish that I could drop all of my is too stressful for me. I wish that I didn't need to be registered for at least 12 credits per semester in order to be covered by my parents' insurances. are some funny things courtesy of Overheard in New York...
I Don't Get It, but I Like It
Teen daughter: Dad, what do you think we might see when we get there?
Straight-faced dad: Naked lady on a white horse.
Red-faced mom, after long pause: No.
Dad: What? When's the last time you saw a white horse?
-- A train
"God" -- You Were Way Off!
Chick #1: Man, I wish Colin would stop saying he loves me.
Chick #2: Why, you don't love him?
Chick #1: I care about him, but I don't love him. I only love one person.
Chick #2: Who? God?
Chick #1: No -- me.
-- Park Plaza Diner, Brooklyn
Our Bad
Girl #1: So, we have a bet -- if I have sex first, then I have to wear a shirt that she's written all over, but if she-- [looks around].
Girl #2: If she what?
Girl #1: ... I'll tell you later. I feel like people are listening, and I don't want to end up on some website.
-- Starbucks, 51st & Broadway
Little Lizzy Borden Was Always a Helpful Sort
Stressed manny watching three kids: Ugh! [Under his breath] I'm gonna kill myself...
Little girl: Here's a knife [cheerily hands him a butter knife].
-- W Hotel Restaurant, 17th & Park
At Least I Have a Rack, Little Miss Mosquito-Bites
Teacher, guiding field trip: Don't you look cute today, April?! I love your dress. I wish I could wear one like it.
Kindergarten girl: Maybe if you lost some weight, you could.
-- L train
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