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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

they say it's your birthday it's my birthday too yeah they say it's your birthday we're gonna have a good time is my 26th birthday and Week 18 of pregnancy.

Now that I have a date for the big ultrasound (the anatomy scan at 20 weeks), I'm excited to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. I know, I know...I was the one saying I didn't want to know, keep it a surprise. Now, it's just a test of how long can I keep it a secret from everyone else, lol. I can keep our baby's name a secret though. And I will.

Earlier this afternoon, I was standing in our driveway and noticed that my shadow no longer has a boobie bump, just a tummy bump - and this realization kind of made sad because I am still having some body image issues (kind of having a hard time embracing new pregnant body me). So I went inside and looked in the mirror...and yep, my tummy ever so slightly protrudes past my boobies now. Of course, I still can't see anything other than my boobies when I look down, but without a bra, that's a little different.

I'm not really having a great birthday. Don't get me wrong, I have 30+ posts on my facebook wall from friends (and family). Most of which are actually people I talk to and not just friends that I added because I know them and we get along but aren't close. I got a couple texts from friends and family, too. A card from my grandma and grandpa. And hugs and well wishes from my fiancé. And of course, the daily cuddling from Socks (my super affectionate male kitten). All of which sounds like a wonderful birthday. And I suppose to some, that is. But it's my first time having to celebrate my birthday all by myself. My fiancé really started his new job this week, so he's gone from about 5:30p to about 2:00a each night. Not such a big deal on the days he's doesn't have class because I still see him a little bit. But tomorrow, I'll be lucky if I see him for more than 60 minutes total.

Normally, not being able to do anything with my fiancé on my actual birthday wouldn't be a big deal because I have family and friends to do stuff with. And even though I've begun making some new friends here, it's not the same. So it hit me hard that I get to spend most of my birthday alone. Oh, well, on the bright side, my mom and friend will be here October 14th and we can celebrate my birthday on my "birthday." (The state of Ohio made me 10 days younger than I am when they printed my license originally.)

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