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As of February 23, 2012, I have a very sweet, very cute little boy. Baby PGS is my world now.

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Baby S. #2

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

can you meet me half way right at the boarderline that's where I'm gonna wait for you I'll be lookin out night n'day took my heart to the limit and this is where I'll stay I can't go any further than this I want you so bad it's my only wish

Do you know what today is? It's the start of Week 20!! That means I am halfway through this pregnancy! So exciting!! Four more weeks and then we make it to yet another awesome milestone (viability).

Not only is today a great day for Baby S and me, it was an awesome day for my fiancé and Baby S, too. We were lying in bed, just cuddling and I noticed that I could feel the little one moving around. And out of curiosity, my fiancé placed his hand where I said I was feeling movement and he could feel it, too! (Just check out the screenshot from his super excited facebook update. Keep in mind, he rarely updates facebook, so this must have been big to him.) I'm still excited about that five hours later, lol. You'd think that the first time I felt movement or the first ultrasound would have been the "this is real" moment for me, but nope, having someone else be able to feel something made it real for me. I think I can finally stop worrying so much that something terrible is going to go wrong.

The last thing I have to say today: it's totally time for some maternity pants. :( I can't wear my stretchy jeggings anymore. The waist band is killing me today. As soon as the dryer is done, I'm changing my pants into some comfy yoga pants.

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