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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

'cause I gotta tell the world what you mean to me wrap you up in a melody so you'll be stuck in my head all day 'cause you're already there anyway, yes you are

Yay! We've made it to Week 29! At least, according to the EDD I got at my first appointment back in July, it's Week 29. Who knows how much longer March 07, 2012 is going to be my due date?

At my last appointment on December 15th, my doctor measured my fundal height for the first time and it was approximately 13". Doesn't sound so bad when it's in inches, does it? On average, women measure at 1cm for each week of pregnancy. Thirteen inches converts to 33.02cm. This means at 28 weeks, 1 day, I was measuring about the same size as the average woman who is 33 weeks pregnant! If I keep measuring that far ahead, she will order an ultrasound to verify my due date and check his growth. When my doctor showed me the tape measure and said something about being large, I was tired enough that it went right over my head. I asked her, "Wasn't he measuring ahead at the ultrasound?"
To which she responded, "Not that big."
I didn't even catch it, lol. I was just like, oh, okay. My fiancé caught it, but didn't say anything because he knew I was cranky, hungry and wanted to go home. He just let it be until later in the day when it dawned on me that 13" is more than 30cm (I was doing the rough estimate using m knowledge that 12" ruler has 30cm on the other side). I guess, because my doctor was so nonchalant about the measurement, that it didn't occur to me to freak out, lol.

My last appointment was the one-hour glucose tolerance test. I never got a phone call about my results, so I took that as meaning a I passed. My doctor has said, that if we don't call you about test results, take that to mean good news. I was told that I'd be notified within two business days if my results were abnormal. So Monday, the 19th, when the clock hit 6:00p, I did a little happy dance, lol. My nurse all but forced me to drink the nasty sugary solution. My appointment got rescheduled due to my doctor's schedule conflict. So my appointment was too late in the day to drink the solution. You have to have your blood drawn exactly one hour later for accurate results. One hour after I arrived would have been right in the middle of the lab's lunch hour. So my sullen child attitude had my nurse worried that I was going to refuse the test and she got one of the phlebotomists to bring up a drink and they had me drink it at 12:00p. Five minutes to drink the nastiest drink ever. I didn't have a choice, I was given the orange flavor. It tasted like pure sugar. Well, okay, orange flavored pure sugar. I hate anything that's really sweet. It made me nauseous, and I kind of think that if I hadn't been so determined to keep it down, I would have thrown up from it. You're given five minutes to get the whole drink down, and I took three minutes. I wanted to stop after the smell hit my nose (so before the first gulp, lol). It reminded me of Tang; I don't like Tang.

Because of the holidays, my next appointment is three weeks after the last. The next one will be two weeks later, though. It's getting so close to the day I get to meet my little one!! Both my fiancé and I are excited to meet him. We're both also hoping that my due date is wrong, he's not a giant baby and there's nothing wrong with him.

Christmas is in a few days. I won't be posting again until next week, when I post the weekly pregnancy update. I have lots of family stuff to do and a few last minute things to get ready for the holidays. I do have a Christmas post scheduled on Christmas day, so if you're interested in reading it, please come back and check it out! Otherwise, happy holidays!!

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