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As of February 23, 2012, I have a very sweet, very cute little boy. Baby PGS is my world now.

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Baby S. #2

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

one night yeah and one more time thanks for the memories thanks for the memories "See, he tastes like you only sweeter."

I hate AT&T. Just thought that I'd share that little tidbit with the world. Or at least the world that has the ability to access my myspace blogs. Our stupid Internet connection is "lost" about every 45 to 60 minutes or so. It's the most annoying thing in the world. And according to the guy on the phone my mom talked to yesterday afternoon, it's the modem thingy needs to be kept in a room all by its lonesome. At least, that's my frustrated solution. Oh, yeah...part of the phone plan my parents pay for stipulates no payments for having techs come out to your home to fix things, and the guy on the phone said that if she wanted to pay for it, my mom could have a tech come out and look at it for us.

Oh, and yesterday...I was about ready to murder an infant. She would NOT quit crying. But...hooray for being able to hand her off to her parents. ::sigh::

[originally posted on my MySpace blog]

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