
My photo
As of February 23, 2012, I have a very sweet, very cute little boy. Baby PGS is my world now.

Baby PGS tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Baby S. #2

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, April 1, 2013


The other day, PGS wouldn't let me put his diaper on until I put one on his stuffed rabbit from Build-a-Bear. So I made him a diaper just for his bunny. And once I get some more snaps, I'll finish up the matching diaper for PGS.
Bunny and his diaper

This past weekend, we went to the Columbus Zoo for their Easter event. PGS really liked the Artic foxes this time. One of the adorable little foxes was running around - a big step up from when I usually see them, they're always curled up in a ball napping. Having a zoo membership is a good thing. We can go for a couple of hours, parking is free and it's something to do on a nice day. We get fresh air and exercise from the family outing, too. :)
I'm not sure how toddler friendly these Archer Farms granola bars are, but PGS just stole my cranberry orange one and is happily eating it. It was my high-protein snack. :/ Now, I have to find another snack. lol

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pepper Skye Bandana Bib Review

Disclaimer: I received this bandana bib free of charge and was not paid to review this bib. I could have been a huge jerk and never reviewed it. But I'm not. I can't do that, it's wrong.

I was recently sent a bib to review for my blog. It came from Pepper Skye. I'm going to quote the little About blurb I received with the bib:
"We make bibs, not your average bib for getting all nasty at meal times. We make bibs to keep our clothes dry while we are babbling and chewing on things. Our bibs are designed to soak up drool, slobber and slime of a busy day being babies. They are stylish, colorful, easy for mom to look after, and they keep my clothes dry!"
Something else to note about the bibs, is that from each purchase, 5% is donated to children's charities both in NH (the home state of the company) and throughout the U.S. I think that's pretty cool.

My son, Little PGS, is over a year old, so not quite the target audience for these bibs. But that didn't stop me from putting it on him as soon as it came in the mail. We were sent the "A Starry Skye" bib and I thought it was adorable. The fleece backing was so soft, even after washing it's still super soft and fun to touch. I love the light, bright blue fleece backing and the starry print is boyish without being the typical sport or car theme. A huge plus in my book.
While it's supposed to be more for drool-y, teething babies, PGS wore it to protect from spaghetti sauce at Bob Evan's. It worked great. Before that, it was just a stylish accessory to his otherwise adorable outfit.
Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of PGS in the bib that I can share on here. But I did get a few pictures of someone wearing the bib, scroll down to the end of the post to see the super cute bib in action.

In conclusion, I'd totally recommend this product. And am even planning on buying one or two for my niece!

Now for the fun part. Pictures!
front of bib, snapped shut
front of bib, open
back of bib, snapped shut
back of bib, open
Socks in the bib
He's a cat, therefore he's trying to "back out" of the bib
Eating treats so that I could sneak attack him and put the bib on him

Thursday, March 7, 2013

12 months update!

Last night we took PGS to O'Charley's for dinner and he got the kids' shrimp dinner. That was interesting. And I learned that we really need to start having the video camera ready when we try a new food. He tried his shrimp and his reaction was too funny. He shuddered, made a disgusted face and threw the shrimp. lol Silly boy. (Btw, I hate shrimp. I've never liked it. But I thought it was a good idea to try the shrimp. I involuntarily reacted the same way PGS did. lol)

This morning, during his usual naked time to air out his nether regions after being in a night time diaper for 12 hours, he started grunting like he was gonna poo on my floor. So I put him on the toilet and he pooed in the toilet! I clapped and said, "yay!"
Then he was running around clapping and saying, "aaaaaay!"
It was adorable. ♥ It's so sad that my life has boiled down to being excited when my child takes a crap in the toilet. But hey, the sooner he figures this out, the sooner I can stop diapers. ;) Because he's not ready to start potty training, we're just passively potty training. Introducing him to the concept, but not expecting him to pick it up right away. But I do think it's time to go buy him a potty or a potty seat.

The little guy is one year old now. He had his 12 month well visit yesterday. Good news, he's not anemic! He's also started to thin out, for the first time in his life, he was not in the 90-95th percentile for weight. He's in the 75th for weight, 50th for length/height and 90th for head circumference. He's still my solid, short little guy with a big head. lol

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

An update on clever title today

*sigh* It's official, I'm wasting away to nothing! lol The fiancé bought me some new pants this weekend and I had to give in and try on the Size 0 jeans. And they were from Express. Not a very forgiving store IMO. :/

But more exciting, PGS will be one year old in less than two weeks!!! Oh em gee! Where has the time gone? When did my baby get so big? He loves to run around, screech in excitement and his giggle is so infectious! He still doesn't have much of a vocab yet, but he says "Momma" with consistency and has finally added "Dada" to his vocab. I think he also says "boob." o.O
Little guy only has his two bottom front teeth still. No signs of a third tooth yet. He's so stinkin' cute when he smiles and only has his two bottom teeth! :)

Both grandmas, an aunt and two of his uncles, and at least one set of great-grandparents will be here for his birthday and party. If he's lucky, he'll have 3 of 4 uncles here for his birthday. We're doing a circus/carnival theme for his party (Baby's First Birthday). Originally, we were planning on build your own burrito bowls for party food, but I think we're gonna scrap that idea and do some finger food snacks instead. PGS loves fruit and crackers, so I think we're gonna do something like that. Not sure yet. We're planning on finishing the buying of supplies and food for his party the day before it.

I am nearly done with the first batch of testers for mama cloth through my WAHM venture. Once I'm done with those, I'm gonna post on my facebook page looking for women willing to test for me. I should have had them done this past weekend and posted yesterday morning for testers, but I felt like poo. I'm feeling much better today, so I am hoping it was just a 24-hr bug.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Onesie o'Clock on the Dot

I haven't been the best at updating this blog lately. Mainly due to being a full-time SAHM to my son PGS. But another reason is that I use my precious little free time to work on my little WAHM venture: Onesie o'Clock. If you have a young child and you're interested in handmade baby/toddler goods, please check it out and Like my page. I'd appreciate all the exposure I could get. Right now, it's mainly baby/toddler clothing (skirts, onesies, pants), but soon I'll be offering Mama Cloth and possibly cloth diapers (one size pocket). I want to sell it all! LoL! If I can make it and there's an interest in it, I want to sell it. Strangely, I love being all crafty and making stuff.

In less than three weeks, I will have a one year old! Where has the time gone?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Baby PGS is 11 months old!

Baby PGS is 11 months old today! The time is flying by! Just one year ago, I was unpacking the gifts I received from my baby shower. Now I'm chasing after a toddler. Yes, I know he's not even a year old. But he runs, walks, dances, anything but crawls. He's a toddler with an infant's age. :P

Little man still only has two teeth - the two front on the bottom. He is more focused on mastering the physical skills than learning to talk. So he's still just babbling mainly. He does say Momma, Dada and I'm not quite sure what the other one is. But he uses it when referring to the cat. I just can't understand his babbling. lol
Reading I Love You Through and Through this morning

How I found him sleeping one morning this past week