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As of February 23, 2012, I have a very sweet, very cute little boy. Baby PGS is my world now.

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Monday, September 11, 2006

but I'm just drunk enough to let go of my pain to hell with my pride let it fall like rain from my eyes tonight I wanna cry

I seriously feel like crying right now...actually...I've already done that about five or six times already tonight...

I'm completely stressed out about school and homework...I feel like all I've been doing since about 12:30p Saturday is homework...and to be honest that's pretty much all I've done...homework, eat, homework, eat, homework, sleep, eat, shower, homework, eat, homework, sleep, go to school, come home and eat, go to school, come home and do laundry, go to a meeting at school, come home and do homework...and after I'm done here on this stressed out rant...sleep...the only reason that I'm on the computer right now is because I was doing microbiology homework and just finished it...

I'm stressed out about the fact that I need to make myself a doctor's appointment...and do that very soon...I cannot deal with the pain that is pretty much a constant anymore...


I'm stressed out because I feel like I'm only making the people around me feel like s***...I'm starting to wonder why anyone puts up with me...I'm majorly stressed out...I'm taking it out on the people around me...and lately the only time I see anyone not related to me is in my classes...because the boy doesn't count since all we do together is I do my homework and he plays video games...

I'm head hurts badly enough that I keep tearing up...I cannot do anymore homework without getting frustrated and messing up on it...I'm going to go and try to get some sleep before I have to get up in seven hours...

[originally posted on my MySpace blog]

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